Attention PRSA Tri-State Members! PRSA New York is generously extending the “member rate” discount to us for the 2018 Big Apple Awards. We can save $50 on a single entry, $100 on two entries, and $150 on three. There are also two categories that have no-charge: Media Group entries and In-House Communication Group entries.
The entry deadline for the main awards is this Friday, March 16th.
The no charge awards have a longer timeline.
Here’s how it will work. For anyone entering you can either e-mail bi************@pr****.org or call the PRSA-NY office at 212.228.7228 and ask for Lori or Nora. Once you do that your nominations will be processed at the reduced rate.
Here are some links to make it easy and a description of this year’s awards program.
Online Entry Platform:
No charge In-House Team Awards:
No Charge Media Awards:
Sponsorship Link:
Gala Tickets:
The 2018 PRSA-NY Big Apple Awards Mean Business. Are you the “best of the best?” Looking to grow your company and advance your career? Then consider entering the 2018 Big Apple Awards, celebrating the best of PR in New York. This year, the Big Apple Awards will provide a major outlet for showcasing your business and achievements in the industry.
For the first time, winners will have a speaking platform within the awards program, to be held this June. Each winner will be recorded on video, and the content will be made available through multiple social media channels. 2018 winners will also get the chance to share their tips and best practices through video interviews produced during the awards as part of the “Big Apples Mean Business” video series.
Expanded categories include Diversity & Inclusion, In-House Team Awards, Media Relations & Content Marketing, Reputation & Brand Management, Events and Observances, Public Service and Public Affairs, Consumer Marketing, Business to Business, 15 Under 35, and special awards for print, broadcast, trade media and individual honors. We’ve reorganized categories to provide expanded opportunities for sponsors to be fully integrated into the event.
Six new awards have been added for in-house communications teams. “Expanding PRSA-NY’s reach to the corporate communications community is a key priority,” says PRSA-NY President-Elect Doug Simon, who is leading the 2018 Big Apple Awards. “In discussions with leadership at some of the industry’s top agencies, they offered creative ideas to recognize the importance of the agency/client relationship,” adds Simon, CEO of DS Simon Media.
Expanding Diversity & Inclusion is the key issue for PRSA-NY President and CEO of Fenster Communications, Sharon Fenster. A new President’s Award was created focusing specifically on diversity data. “Diversity and inclusion isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s vital for business growth. This is the chapter’s most important initiative,” says Fenster.
Excellence in media will also be celebrated in the 2018 Big Apple Awards where the work of top, New York-based broadcast, print and trade media will be recognized. There will also be a special category for PR bloggers to enter. There will be no charge to enter the media awards or 15 under 35, who represent the best of the next generation of PR pros.